What’s a leaflet distribution?
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Flyers – affordable and profitable advertising
How to bring to potential customers information about your company, the services that you provide about the range of products? This question bothers many people involved in the business. And, ask him yourself and head of marketing departments of large companies and individual entrepreneurs with little turnover. The ideal solution of this problem can be flyers, one of the most common tools of advertisers worldwide. Appreciate leaflets primarily for the availability and reliability, and to work with them easily.
To make such advertising worked strictly necessary to track the two aspects. The first – the design of leaflets and information that they carry. If you plan to inform customers about the discount or sale, that “we are open” or about new services, it must be printed on the leaflets, with colorful photos, relevant topic with exclamation marks and indicating the percent discount.
You must also specify the address of the shop or firm while the phone. Often large companies printing leaflets to promote divisions or product lines, then the rules are different. Should follow the general style. The second aspect to be taken into account when dealing with such promotional products, – a place of distribution. Everything is simple and clear. Advertise on new products can be delivered in themselves magazinah.Informatsiyu the opening, for example, on the streets or, by agreement, in places where there is a lot of people. For example, flyers advertising the new barber shop, you can leave the store and vice versa.
It is important that the leaflets were of good quality. Therefore, they must be ordered in proven, credible companies. It is necessary that the information could be read, printed without error and not merged with the figure. Usually leaflets provide an excellent return. They are not much, but spread widely enough. For example, through the mailbox, you can bring the information to the residents of the whole area.
Even now, when advertising goes online and takes root there, the role of printed products in the promotion of goods and services remains prezhney.Kazhdy day gets us into the hands of at least one flyer, and if it is well done, and the information in it is interesting to us, we read it. And it’s about something so says.
Leafleting – how to improve?
Of all the different methods and mechanic btl advertising in our country, perhaps the most widespread distribution of leaflets in crowded places. Promoters handing out bright leaves near the subway, became a familiar sight in large cities, and hurrying about their business bystanders often do not even notice them, taking a course offered by a handout, and then throw it at home as unnecessary.
How effective are these promotions and what should be done to enhance the impact of such events as the distribution of leaflets?
Right goals
Be sure to define the goal you want to achieve handing out leaflets in the subway or in any other place. And how to solve this method will help in achieving your goals, or to choose another form of advertising that is most appropriate in your particular case. Of course, if you opened a shop or beauty salon and want to inform as many people, the distribution of leaflets at subway station or in the nearest large shopping center – this is exactly what you need, and the result of such an action is not long to wait.
Identification of the target audience
You must correctly identify the target audience, which designed your product or service. It is a mistake to assume that you need to distribute leaflets all in a row, it will have no effect. Promoter should be isolated from the crowds of people, the most appropriate to the target audience of the goods and hand them leaflets, then it will have the greatest effect. So, if you inform the store opening of youth fashion, it is pointless to distribute leaflets to people older and older, it is certainly not their interest.
The scale of the action
A lot depends on the choice of time and place for such an action. Whether it is a local advertising campaign, when the leaflets distributed it in the area where the advertised shop or company, or your product or service is intended for a wider audience and to distribute leaflets need around town or even across the region. The most appropriate time for such actions – this, of course, rush hour, near the end of the day when most people are going home from work.
Proper design of leaflets
Plays a huge role correct registration flyers used during promotions. They need to briefly and clearly informed about the goods or services you want to offer. Get your hands on this little piece of man at once, even a quick glance at him to understand that he is offered. In addition to the colorful and original design to provide good any discounts or bonuses to the bearer of the leaflets, then it certainly is an intrinsic advantage of your offer.
The choice of promoters
Of course, you must choose the right promoters and come up with advertising text, which must be accompanied by the distribution of leaflets. Such slogans just needed to get the attention of people who are interested in your product.
Particular attention should be paid to how the appearance of the promoters and their literate speech. It is important that the promoter was loud enough voice that will be heard in the crowd, as in crowded places quite noisy. Ethnicity and age promoters must comply with the advertised product.
Production of leaflets, how to start printing business
What should leaflets be
Your products will speak for itself. If you are able to offer our customers the product is much more colorful, informative, prompting an immediate action – you be among the leaders in the advertising business. So the first thing to consider is the appearance of leaflets. Bright, catchy image, key information, contact details – nothing superfluous and loadable brain.
At the head of the recipient to whom the action is directed leaflets, must remain the most important information. Agree who will read the flyer if it will take the attention of more than five to seven seconds. Think of yourself, how much time you spend on it? The design pattern leaflets should work people with creative thinking. If the leaflet is not able at first sight to interest a potential buyer, then you throw money down the drain.
Production of leaflets: what should be the leaflets
The second thing to look out for – the size of the flyers. Too little can be lost, too much will cause discomfort and as a result will go in the trash. Take one piece of advice: in the creative work often guided by their inner feelings. People for the most part are all the same: if you make a product you like, there is still a couple of people, it is highly likely he will enjoy another couple of hundred or thousands of people.
And the third factor – it’s text. As I said earlier, one of the main rules here – a minimum of information, but a minimum that should attract a buyer, and make it look more complete information. Experiment with font sizes. For example, the keywords “discount”, “Action”, “Reduction”, as well as contact details should be in bold, and be larger than the other words. This method, by the way, comes from NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Defining flyer design, be sure to identify the target audience, which will be primarily directed its action. One of the mistakes many advertising studios – to cover all categories of citizens. As a result, most of their print products fills the street bins. If the content of the leaflets will be focused on one or two specific categories of citizens, its appeal will soon reach its goal (of course, if it is not political propaganda information leaflet).